Confident Conversations Start Here

Learn how to be calm, confident, & curious in ANY conversation. Even the conversations you want to avoid.
Kathy Taberner & Kirsten Siggins, Founders Institute Of Curiosity

Never Feel Powerless In Conversations Again

From the moment you are born, you learn what it’s like to have conversations by watching and listening to your parents, caregivers, family members, teachers, and coaches.

As you learn and grow, you may actively choose to communicate differently, not repeating the same mistakes you experienced growing up. 

But what happens when your emotional buttons get pushed, and your back is up against the wall?

You resort back to what you know. You do what has been modeled to you even if you don't like it or know it's not effective.

We know how hard it is to have conversations when you feel vulnerable or powerless.  It leads to sleepless nights and feeling constantly overwhelmed. We don’t want that for you.

Whether you are a parent or professional, our courses and membership give you the skills to be confident and empowered in any conversation. Even the difficult or uncomfortable ones you want to avoid.

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